Assignment for Tuesday,  September 16

I will begin by talking some more about writing papers. Today I will concentrate on sentence structure.

We will complete our discussion of The  funeral Oration

One way to summarize the life of Athens is to think about the relationship of Athenians to each and to their political community by answering this question: To what extent to which are they egoistic, that is, concerned with their own well being, or altruistic, that is, concerned with the good of their political community as a whole. We will see that the answer to this question is by no means straightforward.

Then we will focus on freedom in Athens. In what respects are the Athenians free? In what respects are they not free? We will pay attention to the various barriers to freedom, especially laws and public opinion. And we will pay attention to implications of public opinion, and the fear of public condemnation, for the freedom of the Athenians. We will examine the importance of ideals in our everyday lives and talk again about the difference between internal ideals and external ideals. Then we will talk about what difference it makes for the does whether the Athenians it make to the freedom of the Athenians.

Reflect on the extreme case of lack of freedom in Athens, slavery.  Why did the Athenians, who prided themselves on their freedom, hold slaves?

If we have some time at the end of class, we will begin talking about Antigone. After reading the play, begin to think about it by asking yourself what case can be made for the point of views expressed by Antigone and Creon.

Assignment for Thursday, September 11

I will begin class today with some advice about writing  your paper. I will focus today on describing the kind of paper you should be writing and the audience for that paper. Then I will talk a bit about how to organize your paper. Next I will give you some guidelines about paragraph construction. And then I will give you some tips about beginning your paper.

We will then continue our discussion of The  funeral Oration, focusing today on what the assembly meetings were like in ancient Athens. Our aim is to get a sense of what participation in politics meant to the Athenians and why they enjoyed taking part in politics.

Assignment for Tuesday,  September 9 and Thursday, September 11

We will continue our discussion of The  funeral Oration

According to Pericles, the Athenians of his generation are living at a time that is decisive for the future of Athens. What effect does this view of their time have on the political involvement and interest of the Athenians? Why do they think there own generation is especially important? What difference does it make that they think this way.

 What do the Athenians receive from their polis? In what respect does Pericles say the Athenians are equal? In what respect are they free? What might limit this freedom?

Think about some of the central elements of Athenian life by reflecting on how the political life of Athens differs from that of Sparta and the United States. How is it that Athenians can live a life that is free and easy like our lives and unlike the hard and restricted lives of the Spartans and yet, at the same time, they can be devoted to the common good like the Spartans and unlike us? Why, in other words, do they freely choose to work for the good of the polis

Finally, think again about the role of speech and deeds in the Funeral Oration and in Athens as a whole. Is Pericles' dismissal of the importance of speech at the beginning of his funeral oration his final word on the subject?

Assignment for Thursday, September 4

I will complete my introduction to the ancient Geek polis and Athenian democracy. Then We will begin our detailed study study of The Funeral Oration of Pericles by Thucydides today.  Please read the whole oration and review the questions. In thinking about this text, ask yourself some of the following questions.

What is the role of religion in this public funeral?

What was the role of women in Athens and how was it connected to their political life as a whole?

Twice Thucydides tells us that the Athenians followed established custom in this funeral. Why does Athens, a polis that prides itself on being innovative, follow custom at this time?

Why did Pericles say he was reluctant to speak at the public funeral? What does his reluctance tell us about Athens?

What was the central concern of the male citizens of Athens? What was the main focus of their lives?

Assignment for Tuesday, September 2

I will go over the requirements of the course and then discuss the goals of IH and of IH 51 in particular. Then I will being an introduction to the ancient Greek polis and Athenian democracy.